
Bevy Engine boosted

Happy to share another important API available to @bevy devs: iOS GameCenter (Gamekit) with Leaderboards, Cloud-Save and Achievements: github.com/rustunit/bevy_ios_g 🦀🎮

Bevy Engine boosted

Fresh out the oven, version 0.8.5 of the open source space game !

✅ New flashlight
✅ Redesigned HUD, with -4-like bars for health/power/O2, and -dashboard-like warning lights
✅ New, well-balanced cruising vehicle
✅ Implemented power drain
✅ Much improved texture for

Btw, see how the hat of the chef doesn't cast a shadow? Because it ain't real! Just an illusion, which you can toggle with <TAB> :)


Interesting: Instagram tests a new design for carousels, making each slide slightly less wide than device width.

Bevy Engine boosted

This week in Bevy we've got some project changes relating to contributing, PR review, and the formalization of working groups, new color grading and state-management features, as well as some exciting experiments and demos.

Particularly interesting on the experimental side of things is a new crate and some experimentation with Bevy/Vello integration.


Bevy Engine boosted

I've started building a "chess like" in . I have many ideas in the space, but I've started by building out core concepts so I can experiment. Initially this was just for fun, but I've started using it as a proving ground for some of the Bevy UX improvements I'm working on:

Bevy Engine boosted

loading indicator -> "Hades" start screen Bevy demo.

I think I've learned what I wanted to from building this "Hades Start Menu" style demo. Doesn't use any Hades assets for copyright reasons, but accomplishes all of the elements in it using bevy_ui.

Still some more to do on it re: timings and such but happy with the couple custom shaders I wrote and having exported 3d animations as sprites from blender, etc for this.

Bevy Engine boosted

@bevy now has working groups! These are bottom-up initiatives that provide a space for contributors to collaborate and plan complex but scoped initiatives. To make one, you need 1) at least two other enthusiastic collaborators 2) the blessing of project leadership for the direction of your work.

Make a proposal, write-up a design doc (however you want), run it by the experts in the space and you're off to the races! I'm really keen to see these play out. We have five to start...